怎樣的想 > 象
What Unimaginable Forms
A curatorial project at Comix Home Space, HK
Have we ever imagined how visually impaired persons envision a perfect blue sky? Could we imagine audience visiting an exhibition without finding the artworks but still experiencing them?
As an extention to my previous curatorial project, Sound Of Image (2013), I have worked with 12 artists in this new project, and we share our thoughts and ideas and explore "imagining", in relation to "knowing", as a creative inspiration and an aesthetic experience. The conceptual photographic work, Throwing our Balls Into the Air to Get A Square (1972-72) by the American conceptual artist, John Baldessari, is also included in the exhibition and realized by visitors. Presented in the revitalized "Green House" currently Comix Home Space at Mallory Street, Wan Chai, the show would re-imagine the possibilities behind art's unimaginable forms.
Visit the exhibition website here
我們可有想像過,看不見的人,他們心中「蔚藍色的天空」,會是怎樣的事? 我們又能否想像,觀眾來到展場看視覺藝術展覽,找不到應有的作品,卻可以身心體驗到它們? 究竟,什麼是作品?它必須透過共同確定的形態以傳譯背後的理念嗎?
為延續於2013年的展覽 聽、見、想、像 所引發的討論,探索「想像」相對 「認知」 所引發的創作和美學經驗,我與十多位藝術家經過連月來互相分享討論,透過這個展覽邀請大家思考、尋找在「想」與「象」之間,作品的可能性。除此,是次展覽更致力安排一件慨念藝術大師 John Baldessari 的作品,好讓香港觀眾欣賞,參與討論。展覽在灣仔一幢被列為二級歷史建築的戰前住宅,前稱為「綠屋」,近年被「活化」了的動漫基地舉行。
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solomon yu artist hong kong 余迪文 香港 藝術家 余廸文
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